Montag, 2. August 2021

Monday: Pepper stuffed with ground turkey and tomatoes (285 calories) and one apple (93 calories: 378 calories Tuesday: Tortilla-less soup (194 calories) with half a cup of cooked brown rice (108 calories) and a pear (103 calories): 405 calories Wednesday: Turkey spinach burger (261 calories) with 18 baby carrots (70 calories) and two tablespoons of hummus (70 calories): 401 calories Photo: Lizzie Fuhr

Monday: Pepper stuffed with ground turkey and tomatoes (285 calories) and one apple (93 calories: 378 calories Tuesday: Tortilla-less soup (194 calories) with half a cup of cooked brown rice (108 calories) and a pear (103 calories): 405 calories Wednesday: Turkey spinach burger (261 calories) with 18 baby carrots (70 calories) and two tablespoons of hummus (70 calories): 401 calories Photo: Lizzie Fuhr


Monday: Pepper stuffed with ground turkey and tomatoes (285 calories) and one apple (93 calories: 378 calories Tuesday: Tortilla-less soup (194 calories) with half a cup of cooked brown rice (108 calories) and a pear (103 calories): 405 calories Wednesday: Turkey spinach burger (261 calories) with 18 baby carrots (70 calories) and two tablespoons of hummus (70 calories): 401 calories Photo: Lizzie Fuhr


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